Immerse yourself in the life and times of the Hebrews while they were under the rule of the Egyptian Empire.
From Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and Jesus, a period of nearly 2000 years, the history of the Hebrews and Egyptians has been closely entwined together. The Bible we use today is better understood in the light of Egyptian/Hebrew Archeology. With over 50 Egyptian artifacts and models, this exhibit offers the chance to explore a simulated Archeological Dig, write Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and learn more about ancient mysteries in a Biblical context.
Dakota Mac blends our modern-day fascination with Ancient Egyptian civilization into historically accurate Old Testament records from the Bible.
He demonstrates mummy-making and discusses how the mummy identified by modern scholars as “Unknown Man E” might actually be the Pharaoh’s son who died during the Biblical Plagues of Egypt. This demonstration features a life-size replica of King Tut’s sarcophagus!
Did you know that Adam wrote a book recording the events of Genesis Chapters 1-5? He did not use paper but wrote on clay tablets. See replicas of these clay tablets and gain an understanding of the 2000 year history of the writing of the Bible in this museum exhibit.

Activities to Enhance Experiential Learning
- Pretend you are King Tutankhamen, ride in his chariot and knockdown targets with foam-tipped spears
- Put together a 4×8 foot floor puzzle of Egypt to see God’s work there
- Discover ancient treasure in our Egyptian Archeology dig
- Build a paper model of an Egyptian boat
- Play the ancient Egyptian game of Fox and Hounds
- Try your hand at translating Egyptian Hieroglyphics
- Make an amazing paper pyramid maze
- Explore a simulated Egyptian Archaeology Dig behind the museum including 3 mini tombs
Experience Biblically Based Creation Science
Educational Goals of the Exhibit:
- Learn how they could raise 100-foot-long obelisks without them breaking in the middle
- See replicas of musical instruments including David’s harp
- Understand why the Egyptian creation story is similar to Genesis Chapters 1-3
- Why Tutankhamen’s father built the Temple of Light
The science museum is now open, by appointment only. Book your museum admission tickets now.